Education Services
Preparing our youth for a successful career
For more than 25 years, Chugach has dedicated our services to helping disadvantaged youth obtain their education, training, and career dreams. Through first-rate operations of Department of Labor’s Job Corps program, Chugach has helped thousands of economically disadvantaged youth break the barriers to their success. They are able to earn their diploma while obtaining credentials in a career technical training of their choice. Because at-promise youth have more challenges to overcome than those who are not, Chugach provides a multitude of services to ensure their success including housing and counseling services so they are in a safe and supportive environment. Once our students reach completion we help them obtain advanced training, employment, continued education into college or enrollment in the military. We take great pride in being a part of their transformation into successful and confident young adults.
Chugach currently operates 6 Centers located in Alabama, Alaska, California, Illinois, Mississippi, and Oregon.
Services and specialties
Outreach and admissions
We are proficient in communicating the Department of Labor’s messaging and core values to the public with the goal of encouraging young people to seek out job training, and we manage the entire admissions process.
Curriculum and training
Chugach personnel are the “boots on the ground” at the Job Corps centers we operate and, as such, we excel at designing and implementing effective curricula and training that supports our customer’s goals.
Program operations
From the Reporting and monitoring of critical performance objectives to management and training of our dedicated employees, we take care of all aspects of a Job Corps program.
We are focused on student success and have the training and experience to provide counseling to young people enrolled in Job Corps so that they can identify good career paths and get the most out of their training.
Career preparation and transition
We go beyond providing education and training to help our students find and prepare for the next phase of their lives: a fulfilling career or continued education.
Dining services
Our cafeterias provide nutritional meals to our students and staff while applying our collective food service experience for a cost-effective delivery.
Safety and security
The only thing more important than education is the safety of our students and staff. We utilize our facility management’s best practices for safety at every location, which includes training for students and staff. Walking into our facilities feels like a safehaven and is created by the security plan we develop for every location, tailored to allow maximum function and incorporate unique conditions.
Finance and procurement
Our company’s DCMA-approval of our Accounting, Property and Procurement business systems, is evidence of the pride we take in respecting our customer’s financial and property management.
Facilities management
As the cornerstone of our company’s capabilities, the responsibility of the facilities we operate is comprehensive, including expertise in utilities, janitorial, grounds keeping and maintenance.
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